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lørdag 20. august 2011
Nottingham Forest is my rock'n'roll!
”It was my friend and photographer Arne Furseth who originally had the idea to write a couple of songs about Nottingham Forest”, Njaal Helle, now a USA resident, explains. And inspired by the European Cup win, the twosome wrote the songs Nottingham Forest Is My Rock’n’roll and Nottingham Forest Is in My Soul.
In July, Helle recorded the songs with top Norwegian producer Arve Sigvaldsen. The single was released in due time for the new season . ”I went to Nottingham with my single to meet the fans”, Helle says, ”I wanted to know what was important to them”. Helle received a hearty welcome by both fans and players, and his single attracted much attention. ”We had a lot of fun with the songs in England,” he says. ”We were on BBC radio og TV. BBC Sunday Night Sports even used Nottingham Forest is My Rock’n’roll as an intro to the show. We also represented Norway in the radio program European Pop Jury.”
Nottingham Forest Is My Rock’n’roll is a catchy pop song, clearly inspired by Roxy Music and Seventies glam rock. Halfway into the song, Helle and his backing singers start a terrace chant sequence, and an excited radio reporter sees record signing Trevor Francis score the winning goal in the final against Malmö. The song builds to a climax by a very infective chorus.
However, it’s Nottingham Forest Is in My Soul on the b-side that is Helle’s masterpiece. Driven by Helle’s vocals and a sparkling horn section, the song is an excellent display of soul and disco inspirered pop. A less typical football song than the a-side, it musicwise gives associations to Saturday Night Fever and New York rather than football from the Midlands, but Helle’s lyrics leaves no doubt of what this really is about:
That’s right, I’m going down to the City Ground
That’s right, I’m gonna see them play
I know, it’s gonna be a show so pretty ...
”At Nottingham Forest’s home games, 40000 fans sing along with Njaal Helles hymn,” the ad said when his debut album Njaal Helle was released the same autumn. The album, which included the single, was very well received by the music critics. ”Norwegian debut album of the year,” Norway’s leading music monthy wrote. Unfortunately, his record company went bankrupt while Helle recorded his second album. “Maybe our album was too expensive to produce?” he wonders ironically.
Helle has worked as a photographer since he moved to the USA in the Eighties. He still dabbles in music, and hopes to make new songs available from his web site later this year.
But to what extent does he follow Nottingham Forest and football in general today? ”I’ve always been a footbal fan, but it has become more distant after I moved to the USA,” he says. Helle has not visited Nottingham since 1979, but he’s not completely forgotten among the fans. ”Yes, I receive the occasional e-mail about the songs,” he confirms.
”I think Helle’s single is one of the very best Forest songs ever, but unfortunately, I very seldom hear it played now,” says Roar Guvaag, a Norwegian supporter with frequent visits to City Ground. Bjørn Sundfær, secretary of the Scandinavian Nottingham Forest Supporters Club, thinks Forest’s drop from the Premier League to League One is one of the reasons. “Football songs are played when there’s something to celebrate. And there has not been much to celebrate at the City Ground over the last Fifteen years …”
Published in Norwegian soccer monthly FireFireTo and the Scandinavian Nottingham Forest supporters' club magazine Skogvokteren in 2007. You can listen to the songs at www.nottinghamsongs.webs.com
On the 23rd of May 1999, Njaal Helle came up with a brilliant idea for a movie: The Operator Is Calling. First, he looked for a cool hero name. Since Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani was his favorite mayor and Jack London a favorite author, the choice came by itself: Rudi London. As we all know, writing is a scary thing; thus it took Njaal years to develop the storyline. Then his 3 Angels sent him a message: why waste time writing a movie script when you can write a book? OK, a book then. During the book conversion process, Njaal was told his first name would be nearly impossible to pronounce for potential English reading customers - just looking at his name on web sites such as amazon, itunes, etc., could be rightfully scary - so he was told to come up with a simpler name. And his last name, Helle, was close to a cussword amongst the English speaking purchasers of his upcoming books, and therefore a decision was made: The author had to be reborn.
One bright and shiny day, someone with real vision came to Njaal and said: ”You need to be Rudi London!” And the rebirth was complete.
In 2009, The Operator Is Calling was released with Michael being the name of the hero and Elvis being his trustworthy companion. And the rest is told.
LINK: http://www.theoperatoriscalling.com/
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudi_London
Author: http://www.rudilondon.com
onsdag 21. januar 2009
Med Nottingham i sjela
”It’s the one and only team that can realize the dream in my soul, it’s my rock’n’roll” sang Nottingham Forest-supporteren Njaal Helle fra Nedstrand i Ryfylke sommeren 1979. Brian Cloughs menn hadde nettopp vunnet Europacupen for serievinnere for første gang, og Helle ville markere begivenheten på sin egen måte. Han spilte inn plate om klubben i sitt hjerte.
”Det var fotografen Arne Furseth som kom på ideen om å lage et par låter om Nottingham Forest”, forteller Njaal Helle, nå bosatt i USA. Og inspirert av Europacup-triumfen satte de to kompisene seg ned og skrev låtene Nottingham Forest Is My Rock’n’roll og Nottingham Forest Is in My Soul.
I juli gikk Helle i studio sammen med produsenten Arve Sigvaldsen for å spille inn låtene. Singelen var klar til ligastart. ”Jeg tok med meg plata og dro til Nottingham for å snakke med fansen”, forteller Helle, ”jeg ville gjerne få greie på hva som virkelig betydde noe for dem”. Helle ble godt mottatt både av fans og spillere, og fikk mye oppmerksomhet med singelen sin. En nordmann med to låter om et engelsk fotballag var ikke hverdagskost. ”Vi hadde mye moro med låtene i England”, forteller han. ”Vi var på både BBC radio og TV. BBC Sunday Night Sports brukte til og med Nottingham Forest is My Rock’n’roll som intro til sendingene. Vi deltok også i radioprogrammet Europatoppen.”
Nottingham Forest Is My Rock’n’roll er en snerten og tøff poplåt, tydelig inspirert av Roxy Music og syttitallets glamrock. Midtveis i låten drar Helle, Ottar ”Big Hand” Johansen og de andre i koret i gang karateristisk tribune-allsang, før en engasjert radioreporter ser dyrt innkjøpte Trevor Francis stupe inn Europacupfinalens eneste mål. Låten løftes av et refreng så uimotståelig fengende at selv de mest innbitte Forest-skeptikere må nikke anerkjennende.
Men det er likevel b-siden Nottingham Forest Is in My Soul som er Helles virkelige mesterstykke. ”Genialt!” utbryter FireFireTo-redaktøren da han får høre låten, og han er ikke langt unna sannheten. Anført av en strålende opplagt Helle og en gnistrende blåserrekke, er låten en oppvisning i glødende soul- og disco-inspirert pop. Allsang-preget er tonet ned, slik at låten framstår som en mindre typisk fotball-låt en a-siden. Musikalsk gir låten mer assosiasjoner i retning av Saturday Night Fever og detektime fra New York enn en tippekamp fra City Ground der John Robertson er i ferd med å få kampen ned i sitt tempo. Men teksten levner ingen tvil om hva dette handler om:
That’s right, I’m going down to the City Ground
That’s right, I’m gonna see them play
I know, it’s gonna be a show so pretty ...